We are an organization that empowers young adults and kids to take charge of what is going on in our atmosphere involving global warming. You know how adults are saying that kids are the world's future leaders? Well, why can't kids be leaders and influence not only the future, but the present too? That's why we created this organization- for kids to finally take action and responsibility for helping this planet.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Addis Creson

Today Ali and I went to Addis Creson, a design consultantcy, on 2515 Ninth St. in Berkeley California for a meeting with John Creson about Beat the Heat. They have generously offered to do some design work for us which we appreciate so very much. Thank you Addis Creson!!! Overal, we feel our presentation on Beat the Heat and what we wanted went well. Basically, Beat the Heat will be getting an official logo. This whole experience of giving a pitch was very new and exciting for Ali and I, very much like the whole experience of getting this organization on its feet. Right now Beat the Heat is a baby, but we hope it can grow up fast and start talking for it's self. Along with our thank you to Addis Creson, I would also like to thank the help we have been getting from other sources like friends and family. We are ao appreciative and love every little bit of help.

Beat the heat,

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