Beat the heat,
Mimi Wyatt
Process of shirts:
1.We made a transparency to make the screen
Ali holding our transparency
2. created a screen
Exposure unit
We placed the transparency under the screen onto the exposer unit, where it brought the transparency onto the screen.
3. We finished the screen
We placed the transparency under the screen onto the exposer unit, where it brought the transparency onto the screen.
3. We finished the screen
We used a powerwasher to clean out the screen
4. Printing
I went to Richmond and printed some samples, unfortunatly I forgot my camera, sorry.
5. Our T-Shirts!!
Red shirt, light blue ink
White shirt, light blue ink
Green tanktop, light blue ink
Hey Mims,
Great blog site! It's really cool! I can't wait untill we finally figure out how to use the other website which is... By the way, It dOeSn'T ReALly mAtTer If tHe aDdreSs Has CaPs OR nOt. As LoNg aS YoU hAve tHe RiGht sTateMenT! (He He)
Your Founder,
Ali Coopersmith
Dear Mimi,
This is a pretty awsome blog. The way your blog is set up is so clear and easy to understand. I hope that your project goes perfectly, with no mistakes. Keep up the great work!
Sara Maroofi
I think that i am probably going to buy like 4 shirts or something because i really like those shirts and my parents are really interested in buying a shirt when i told them about it!
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